Electrical News Weekly
Electrical News Weekly
How Man Survived 11KV Switchboard Disaster
The first guidance on how to connect RCDs and MCBs to the latest amendment of the Wirings Regs is unveiled…
…a man whose arms 'exploded' during 11,000-volt shock meets the doctors and ambulance crew who saved him…
…and the householder whose battery storage app let him take control of the power in 60,000 homes across the UK…
Welcome to Electrical News Weekly in association with Solar Trade Sales, your easy one stop shop for all things solar, whether you're listening in the van, on site, or down at the wholesale counter.
BEAMA download link 1 👉 https://www.beama.org.uk/resourceLibrary/beama-safety-check-list-for-circuit-protection-products-.html
BEAMA download link 2 👉 https://www.beama.org.uk/resourceLibrary/beama-technical-bulletin---connection-of-unidirectional-and-bidirectional-protective-devices-.html
ECA warning 👉 https://www.eca.co.uk/news/blog/august-2024/what-electrical-contractors-need-to-know-about-gate-safety?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=blog
Gate Safe 👉 www.gate-safe.org/gate-safety-by-design
EV Blocks DC charger base 👉 https://hub.efixx.co.uk/EVBlocksB800
Lewden Consumer Unit Configurator 👉 https://www.lewden.com/build-your-board
Kosnic Niah review 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsIStq_uVOw
Electrical News Weekly in association with
Solar Trade Sales 👉 http://hub.efixx.co.uk/solartradesales
Thanks to our premium partners:
Sunsynk 👉 http://hub.efixx.co.uk/sunsynk-enw
envirovent 👉 https://hub.efixx.co.uk/envirovent-enw
Ring 👉 http://hub.efixx.co.uk/ring-enw
Ecolink 👉 http://hub.efixx.co.uk/ecolink-enw
Alltrade 👉 http://hub.efixx.co.uk/alltrade-enw
Daikin 👉 http://hub.efixx.co.uk/daikin-enw
Doncaster Cables 👉 http://hub.efixx.co.uk/doncastercables-enw
Scame 👉 http://hub.efixx.co.uk/scame-enw
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Time Stamps ⏱
00:00 Electrical News Weekly - 2nd September 2024
00:48 New guidance on how to install RCDs and MCBs
01:30 ECA publishes guidance on automated gates
02:42 Man who suffered burns is reunited with team who saved his life
03:40 Software under scrutiny after customer gains control of 60000 locations
04:56 Building industry chiefs are exploring changes to retention
05:49 EV Blocks unveil DC charger installation base
06:14 Lewden launches consumer unit configurator tool
07:25 Big boost for pavement EV chargers
08:21 Joe Hammond has been at the firing range
09:09 Thanks to our premium partners!
10:34 Challenge words and winners
Images courtesy of Sky News
#electricalnews #electricians #electricalindustry
coming up on this week's news the first guidance on how to connect RCDs and MCBs to the latest Amendment of the Wiring Regs is unveiled a man whose arms exploded during 11,000 volt shock meets the doctors and ambulance crew who saved him and the householder whose battery storage app lets him take control of the power in 60,000 homes across the UK welcome back after the summer break to electrical news weekly in association with solar trade sales your easy One-Stop shop for all things solar whether you're listening in the van or down at the wholesale counter I'm Joe Robinson and I've been through the best of the electrical industry news to save you the trouble we hope you've had a great summer and are ready for the Long Haul to the end of the year we'll be with you every step of the way and if you think you've spotted the two words that I've been challenged to slip into this week's show comment with them below for the chance to win a prize the first guidance on how to install RCDs and MCBs to the latest Amendment of the wiring regs has just been unveiled Beama released the advice to the electrical trade this week outlining the new rules in Amendment Three the technical Bulletin explains how to connect both unidirectional and bidirectional protective devices in locations with power sources such as battery packs solar panels or vehicle to grid enabled electric vehicles this update aligns with the amendment which was published on the 31st of July 2024 the trade Association has also added a safety checklist to help identify non-conforming products it lists all the new marking requirements for unidirectional and bidirectional devices so you can check that the kit is kosher the docs are free to download and I've popped the links in the show notes urgent guidance has also just been published by the Electrical Contractors Association this time it's about automated electric gates the reason many electricians are not aware of the fact that as the last person to touch the gate they effectively assume responsibility for the safety of the installation that's because under the law automated gates are classified as machines so in the event of any accident or incident any work undertaken by an electrician will be under intense scrutiny and if there's any evidence to indicate negligence the installer will be liable to prosecution in fact courts have already handed down big fines relating to automated gate accidents ranging from £10,000 to £550,000 there's also been a case where an installer was given a prison sentence on the grounds of manslaughter the ECA says any electricians should think carefully before they agree to work on this type of project the organisation says you should take the necessary specialist training and be aware of the action required to mitigate any risks to safety at the minimum it says Gates must have a non-con safety such as a photo cell or a laser as well as pressure edges to stop a gate closing if it encounters a person or object I've put the link to the ECA's warning and some advice from the Gate Safe organisation in the show notes in other news a Wolverhampton man who suffered horrific Burns to his body after touching a high tension electrical cable has been reunited with the ambulance staff who helped to save his life in November 2020 Darren Harris received an electric shock in an abandoned building while trying to steal scrap metal he put his left arm into into an 11KV switchboard which completely melted his forearms down to the bone he also received Burns to his face arms chest and abdomen and spent several months receiving specialist treatment at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham four years on he returned to stoke ambulance Hub to meet the crew and the trauma doctor who saved his life Mr Harris said he had wanted to say thank you to the paramedics ever since the incident but the timing hadn't been right the doctors said it was rare for people to survive such a surge of electricity through the body Harris says that sharing his story helps him overcome everything and put it to rest in his head he said the past few years have been very traumatic and very difficult but he's on the mend and trying to do good things and Good Deeds the security of software which allows householders to control their Renewable Power sources has been called into question this week it follows the Revelation that a customer who purchased a home battery found he was able to switch the power in 60,000 locations across the UK Ryan Castellucci recently had solar panels and a battery storage system installed at his house just outside London he intended to set up some scheduled charging but while configuring the software interface known as an API he found he could gain access into the admin account this gave him control over 200 mW of programmable capacity that's the equivalent of a power station Castellucci says he could charge or discharge to the Grid at will tens of thousands of battery packs software Engineers say the issue was that the encryption key was just 512 bits which is considered low by today's standards give energy the supplier of the battery system says that it installed a fix within 6 hours of learning of the security breach it says it actively worked with Castellucci a security researcher on the remedy in a statement the company said that no organisation is infallible to cyber security threats in a world where risk changes constantly there is no such thing as 100% secure thank goodness Mr Castelluchhi decided to use his abilities for good and not for evil if it' hacked into Gary's home battery we'd never have heard the end of it building industry Chiefs are exploring alternatives to the custom of retention current practice is for the main contractor or sometimes the client to withhold 5% of a project value for a year to ensure that snagging is completed but experts say that this sum is typically insufficient to deal with significant defects and withholding money harms cash flow and investment additionally sometimes contractors go bust During the period resulting in a permanent loss to subcontractors now the construction Leadership Council is suggesting a rating system for firms which is based on their quality performance in previous jobs it's similar to the way you'd rate an Uber driver but instead it would be a number between 1 and 100 however in a recent proof of concept trial the organisation discovered that the industry doesn't like sharing its data on defects who knew however one of the clc's partners at the trial the get it right initiative says it will persevere with the development of an app for assessing contractors in product news this week EV blocks has unveiled a concrete base for DC chargers because they're pre-cast the company's blocks eliminate the need for pouring and curing concrete bases this allows for quicker installation and reduced downtime the B800 features a single entry point for ducting and a detachable adapter plate for mounting DC charges the company says it provides easy access to cables and hard-to-reach areas during the ducting cable pulling and cable dressing phases Lewden has launched a consumer unit configurator tool this online platform is designed to help electricians to easily create bespoke consumer units that perfectly match their requirements you can access it on both the mobile and desktop versions of Lewden's website there are three main options the RCBO dual row RCBO and dual RCCB consumer unit at the end of every configuration you can ask for a quote for either a pre-assembled unit ready for installation or list of individual components for assembly yourself each option comes pre-fitted with a 100 amp double pole main switch and a type 2 SPD as standard for a single row RCBO unit you can choose between round and rectangular Knockouts with options for five to 18 usable ways and two coloUr choices the dragon drop interface makes it easy to add RCBOs AFDDs and DIN rail blanks for dual row units there are 21 to 39 usable ways in classic white the Dual RCCB unit supports up to three high integrity circuits you can choose between eight and 17 usable ways and select from a range of MCBs RCBOs AFDDS RCBOs RCDs and blanks when you're finished you'll get a list of part numbers and product data sheets the link to the configurator is in the show notes there's been a big boost this week for the concept of EV charging cables running across the pavement Milton Keynes city council is giving the thumbs up to a ducting system from Kerbo charge the council has just completed a trial of the product which is designed to help householders without driveways to charge their car easily as its recess there's no trip Hazard for pedestrians it follows a similar move by West Berkshire last month Milton Keyes will now make the Kerbo charge duct available to all its residents Kerbo charge says home charging is 5 to 10 times cheaper than public charges when a resident wants to charge their car they insert the cable into the channel and the lid closes behind it like a zip eliminating any trip Hazard the approval has been welcomed by Kerbo investor and TV star Deborah Meadan who backed The Firm on an episode of Dragon's Den I still think they've missed a trick there though they could have called it kerbaretta like carbaretta because it relates to cars and that's a thing in a car no okay I'm clearly a little rusty after the holidays we'll pull it back and finally if you've been wondering where Joe 3PO has been hiding out recently I can reveal that he's been down at the firing range popping off targets and dunking electrical components into glasses of water hopefully had a pair of marigolds to hand for that after a few days he returned to Sideline Studios wide-eyed and breathless claiming he had discovered a way to turn a standard down light into an emergency light we were disbelieving too until we took a look at his latest video the link as you know by now is in the show notes lastly a reminder that we're in the market for your stories your projects and your recommendations as we'd like to share them with the wider eFIXX community in September we're shifting our Focus to Commercial Lighting tools and workwear and of course diving into the Safe 4 September campaign that we fully support send us pictures of your installs or let us know if you've come across any new kit that's making your job easier now just before we get to your favourite bit of the show where I reveal last week's challenge words and winners we want to thank our premium Partners we couldn't make the news without you first up it's the people who've created the Swiss army knife of solar inverters along with all weather batteries very much the Boy Scouts of the solar industry it's SunSynk up next they're resolving ventilation problems one property at a time offering a simplistic ventilation design service and high quality products made right here in the UK breathing fresh air into your home its environment next they're the brand that Pride themselves on keeping people close to what's important with the world's most recognisable doorbell chime it's RING and do you want a no fuss lighting Solution that's packed with value then try the Ecolink range from signify combining value for money with top-end signify quality now a business that will literally bend over backwards to give you the first class service on the trade only supply of signal reception and distribution custom install home automation and security products for all residential and Commercial projects it's Alltrade if you want to pump up the jam and join the home heating Revolution then it's got to be heat pumps from Daikin the best thing to come out of Yorkshire since stainless steel the home of EV Ultra and other groundbreaking and quality products it's Doncaster cables with an incredible range of equipment from EV charge points through industrial sockets and switches to kit for explosive areas plus they supplied gear for a Campari factory so they'll always have a place in my heart it's Scame big thanks to you all we really appreciate your ongoing support for the news if you think you know the words that I've smuggled into this week's show pop your guess into the comments we'll take all the correct guesses and select one at random to be the winner of an eFIXX goodie bag prize answers submitted after about lunchtime on the Thursday after release will not be entered into the draw now let's reveal the winners of last week's challenge word competition the words were adrenaline and apricot and the winner from the last episode is Andrew Watson 3576 so well done to you Andrew make sure you click the get involved Link in the show notes to claim your prize thanks for listening to this episode of electrical newsweekly in association with solar trade sales your easy One-Stop shop for all things solar make sure you subscribe to receive the next update thanks for listening and until next time have a great week stay safe out there and remember there's no such thing as a Torque calibrated arm