Electrical News Weekly
Electrical News Weekly
Engineer Dies in Live Working Accident
Investigators reveal how an engineer died while live working on board a luxury super yacht…
…MCS unveils the long-awaited changes to its certification process….
…and thieves dig up copper cables days before the opening ceremony of a showpiece EV charging station…
Welcome to Electrical News Weekly, your easy one stop shop for all things solar, whether you're listening in the van, on site, or down at the wholesale counter.
Show Notes
Neutral current diversions 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Xs4WEApXZQ
HDM Solar event 👉 https://www.hdmsolar.co.uk/blogs/news/hdm-solar-wholesale-invites-installers-to-open-event-at-new-basildon-branch
Vote for Love Your Apprentice 👉 https://www.facebook.com/LEWelectrical
Thanks to our premium partners:
Sunsynk 👉 http://hub.efixx.co.uk/sunsynk-enw
KPS 👉 https://hub.efixx.co.uk/KPSENW
Crompton Controls 👉 https://hub.efixx.co.uk/CromptonControlsENW
CPN Cudis 👉 https://hub.efixx.co.uk/CPNCUDISENW
Doncaster Cables 👉 http://hub.efixx.co.uk/doncastercables-enw
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Time Stamps ⏱
00:00 Electrical News Weekly 10/02/2025
00:53 Engineer Electrocuted aboard Superyacht
02:27 MCS unveils major shakeup
04:10 Govt watchdog slams local authority
05:00 More EV charger cable thefts
05:50 New neutral current diversions video
06:38 Lutron launches major innovations
07:42 Dates for your diary
08:58 Thanks to our premium partners
09:59 Challenge words and winners
#enw #electricalnews #electricians
Coming up on this week's news investigators reveal how an engineer died while live working on board a luxury super yacht MCS unveils the long awaited changes to its certification process and thieves dig up copper cables days before the opening ceremony of a showpiece EV charging station welcome to Electrical News Weekly this week at normal speed Following last week's backlash and the first episode to be shot in our brand new studio for those of you watching the video version of the podcast and wondering why the lighting is so terrible in here it's because we haven't sorted out the light in here yet also many apologies to anyone who was temporarily crestfallen at my little joke about it being the last ever episode of the news last week we're not going anywhere folks so whether you're listening in the van on site or down at the wholesale counter I'm Joe Robinson and I've been through the best of the electrical industry news to save you the trouble and if you think you've spotted the two words that I've been challenged to slip into this week's show comment with them below for the chance to win a prize investigators say they now know the backstory to how an engineer was electrocuted on board a British super yacht Father-of-two Roy Temme from Southampton died on board the Isle of Man-registered boat, the Baton Rouge, last February the investigation team from the UK Marine accident investigation Branch say that the sequence of events began on the evening of February the 22nd that night the luxury vessel worth some £48 million suddenly went dark power was quickly restored but a ventilation damper in the engine room failed to reset this device automatically closes the air duct to prevent the spread of fire it's believed that Temme then went below decks in an attempt to replace the damper's actuator investigators say he started work without isolating the electrical supply it appears he didn't want to restrict The Vessel to emergency power only this would have meant that functions such as non-critical lighting air conditioning and entertainment systems shutting down investigators say that at some stage the experienced engineer came into contact with live 230 volts ac conductors while working on the dampers electric circuit he was electrocuted and suffered a massive heart attack despite efforts to resuscitate him his heart could not be restarted and he was pronounced dead in hospital the investigators say that Temme didn't have a permit to work for electrical maintenance the 63 meter Baton Rouge has now been put up for sale by its French billionaire owner Martin Bouygues boss of the engineering group of the same name it's understood he was not on the yacht at the time of the incident once again the team here at eFIXX would like to extend our sincerest condolences to the friends and family of Mr Temme just a tragic tragic accident in other news the microgeneration certification scheme has unveiled its major shakeup this week it's responding to criticism in the trade that it's too bureaucratic the MCS says it wants to cut paperwork and focus on evidence of quality installations for customers first off the requirement to be a member of a consumer code has been dropped another major change is that the frequency of Assessments will change this will now depend on what MCS is calling your risk of non-compliance that's because as an MCS certified installer you must also be a member of a certification body such as Napit these certification bodies conduct regular assessments to ensure that members can competently install Technologies such as solar panels and battery packs installers whose MCS operations are relatively simple and who have a number of satisfied customers and few complaints will be rewarded with fewer assessments installers with more complex operations such as those involving lots of subcontractors and whose projects are found to be poor will be assessed more often MCS says it will also specify the content of each rating rather than leave it to individual inspectors there will also be a new requirement for a named technical supervisor for every job this replaces the current requirement for a nominated technical person the technical supervisor will be the person who's qualified to sign off a completed job the MCS has now published a host of the new documents on its website these include a booklet on install or operating requirements and one on Conformity assessment guidelines to help you comply there are also eight installation standards for solar heat pumps batteries and wind turbines and six pre-sale documents to give to customers the MCS says you'll need to carry on with your current requirements until a notification body gives you the option to transfer this includes maintaining membership of a consumer code for now the transition is expected to roll on throughout 2025 and into next year still on certification a government Watchdog has slammed a local authority over the electrical testing of its properties the regulator of social housing hit out at Portsmouth City Council after it found that 85% of its homes haven't had an electrical condition test certificate for over 5 years a number of those are in high-risk communal blocks on top of the EICR failures the probe found that fewer than 40% of the Portsmouth Council homes had been surveyed within the past 5 years more than a third had been surveyed more than 10 years ago and nearly 10% had no record at all the regulator of social housings Kate Dodsworth said that the health and safety of tenants is non-negotiable responding Darren Sanders of Portsmouth Council said that the local Authority was aware that there was room for improvement to meet the new regulator standards he said the council accepted the findings of the regulator and would work on constructively to fix the problems meanwhile in Scotland the unveiling of a showpiece EV charging station in Paisley has had to be postponed after thieves dug up the copper cables days before the opening ceremony osprey's charging Network's high power hub was promoted by the firm as a state-of-the-art installation but an organised gang operating under the cover of Darkness managed to dig up and cut off a section of a major electrical cable it's expected to be sold for its copper on the illegal Market Lewis Gardiner operations director at Osprey said the company had CCTV footage of the incident at Paisley which it's provided to the police the company said it would be pressing for a prosecution in relation to the incident the crime comes at the same time as Chancellor Rachel Reeves announces a £65 million boost for on Street charging unusually she's investing most of the money in private provider Connected Curb the money will go on a dramatic expansion of its Network turning to Circuit safety now and Scottish trade body select has just released a video on neutral current diversions neutral current diversions or NCDs are a Hot Topic in the trade right now a neutral current diversion can happen in the event of the loss of a protective Earth neutral conductor on a TNCS electrical supply the installation then loses its intended connection to neutral and Earth the current is diverted and will find its way back to the supply Transformer any way it can one common route is through shared metallic pipe work such as gas and water pipes as you can imagine these routes can be very dangerous the 20-minute video produced in partnership with the IET shows you how to test for it and how to deal with it if discovered select technical expert Bob Cairney said that ncds constitute an unknown risk and have huge safety implications I've put a link to the video in the show notes in product news this week lighting control giant Lutron has launched no fewer than three major Innovations first up is Radio Ra 3 a system for high-end residential applications it uses the company's proprietary radio frequency to control lights and blinds the company says it's made installation Easier by combining the Wi-Fi repeater and the bridge into a single device I am a big fan of the Ra 2 system and used it for years in my own home so I'm looking forward to seeing what the Ra 3 is capable of also out this week is the V keypad which features backlighting and weighted buttons it's designed to integrate smoothly with the radio Ra 3 finally the brand has launched its own LED strip the Lumaris tape is colour changeable to either red green or blue as well as white tuning it dims down to 0.1% which is just incredible and again is designed to integrate seamlessly with the other kit next next week in the product slot of the news we're going to round up the most Innovative emergency lighting kit for installers the following week we'll be focusing on circuit protection so if there's anything we shouldn't Miss for either of those subjects get in touch directly or via the comments before we go a couple of dates for your diary the newly opened Basildon branch of HDM solar wholesale is holding an open day on Friday the 21st of February it's inviting electricians to come and take a look at the facilities and check out the latest kit top brands including Solix Sunsynk give energy and Growatt will be showing on their latest kit there'll also be experts if you need technical advice on a project from a proper geek and I mean that as a compliment I've put a link to the invite in the show notes the event runs from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. also a reminder that voting is now open in LEW Electrical Distributors Love Your Apprentice competition this contest celebrates the talented young people coming into the trade entrants have been asked to post creative and inventive images of themselves on the tools doing what they do best all you've got to do is give them a like on Facebook whoever gets the most likes wins a premium CK electrician toolkit so show him some love our dear beloved Apprentice Tool Time Rick is of course the Benchmark against which all are marked here he is doing what he does best voting starts today the 10th of February and ends on Monday the 17th of February the link as ever is in the show notes and our usual reminder that we're in the market for your stories your projects and your recommendations as we'd like to share them with the wider eFIXX community so send us pictures of your installs or let us know if you've come across any new kit that's making your job easier and just before we get to your favoUrite bit of the show where I reveal last week's challenge words and winners we want to thank our premium Partners we couldn't make the news without you first up they're the people who've created the Swiss army knife of solar inverters along with all weather batteries very much the Boy Scouts of the solar industry it's Sunsynk and speaking of solar with manufacturing powered by a massive 250 megawatt solar PV array they're literally the greenest test instrument maker in Europe both physically and ethically it's KPS now are you a bit of a control freak motor control that is if with huge stocks and excellent service check out Crompton Controls as they said to me in a recent conversation if we don't have it then we can build it with their new award winning Lumo consumer unit and offering Complete product support from their highly trained team it's CPN Cudis and the best thing to come out of Yorkshire in stainless steel the home of EV Ultra and other groundbreaking and quality products it's Doncaster Cables click the links in the show notes to find out more about these great Brands big thanks to you all we really appreciate your ongoing support for the news if you think you know the words that I've smuggled into this week's show pop your guess into the comments we'll take all the correct guesses and select one at random to be the winner of an eFIXX goodie bag prize answers submitted after about lunchtime on the Thursday after release will not be entered into the draw now let's reveal the winners of last week's challenge word competition last week's words were faithful and traitor the challenge word committee clearly enjoying the Claudia Winkleman BBC show at the moment for our video viewers here's a picture of the time I met her anyway the person to be selected from our electronic hat this week was Edward Bretherton who won this competition once before about a year ago now I think so well done to you Edward make sure you click the get involved Link in the show notes to claim your prize thanks for listening to this episode of electrical news weekly make sure you subscribe to receive the next update thanks for listening and until next time have a great week stay safe out there and remember there's no such thing as a torque calibrated arm